Thursday, October 29, 2009

No Stone Unturn

Most of us don't like to consider ourselves selfish. We want to be, and we want to be thought of, as giving people, people who have the interests of others in sight. The truth is though that it's hard not to be selfish. After all, the only perspective that we can see things from is our own and therefore we are inclined to view others, and their lives, from that vantage point.

What we must be careful of, however, is that we are actively pursuing another vantage point. As Christians, one of our goals is to make sure that every area of our life is reflecting God. We must purposefully and deciding look for ways that we can bless those around us. Conversely, we must actively avoid that which may be taken as a curse. This isn't to say we mitigate that call of God on people's lives - our job is to accurately reflect His justice and His grace - but it does mean that instead of waiting for the opportunity to be a representative of Christ to someone else, we are investigating tangible ways that we can do this. We should be looking, high and low, for ways that we can be the dispensers of His love.

A popular Sunday School song says "This little light of mine, I'm going to let it shine." May our light not only shine, but may we, by our actions and our lives, light the way for others too.



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